Postby Nibiru » 30 Jun 2008, 08:20

Почтовая программа The Bat! обладает рядом жизненно необходимых и просто удобных возможностей, значительно облегчающих работу с электронной почтой. Все эти функции превосходно работают на компьютерах с любой операционной системой Windows. Необходимо отдельно отметить, что The Bat! – первый почтовый клиент, сертифицированный корпорацией Microsoft для работы с операционной системой Windows Vista. Логотип Certified for Vista гарантирует высочайший уровень совместимости всех механизмов программы с этой новейшей операционной системой.

Вот основные из возможностей программы The Bat!:

Безопасность личной информации
Отличительная черта TheBat! – самая широкая поддержка протоколов аутентификации и шифрования при работе с почтовыми серверами. The Bat! – один из самых защищенных почтовых клиентов, «состоящий на вооружении» многих компаний, для которых защита приватной информации является вопросом жизни и смерти. Наиболее поздние версии The Bat! оснащены «умными» кнопками безопасности, которые помогают сделать пользовательскую информацию действительно личной.

Защита от вирусов
Вторая сторона безопасности – защита от вредоносных кодов. В отличие от других почтовых программ, The Bat! не запускает скрипты автоматически. The Bat! использует собственный механизм просмотра HTML – Robin HTML viewer, собственный модуль просмотра изображений, что защищает вас от вирусов, направленных на уязвимости механизмов операционной системы. Помимо прочего, The Bat! совместим с одним из ведущих антивирусов – Антивирусом Касперского, мощнейшим инструментом борьбы с вредоносными программами. Пользователям Windows Vista сообщаем, что, в дополнение к вышеуказанным возможностям, The Bat! задействует такие компоненты Windows Vista, как механизм Случайного Размещения в Адресном Пространстве (ASLR) и механизм Предотвращения Выполнения Данных (DEP) для защиты компьютера от вирусов и вредоносных кодов, распространяемых через электронную почту. В The Bat! 4.0 (и в более поздние версии) встроен URL менеджер для фонового извлечения изображений в формате HTML. Этот менеджер успешно борется с вредоносными кодами, вставляемыми в изображения.

Для обработки корреспонденции применяется встроенный Сортировщик писем, который автоматически распределяет входящую, исходящую, прочитанную и обработанную почту по соответствующим папкам. Задание правил сортировки займет всего несколько минут, после чего вы можете навсегда забыть про ручное перекладывание писем из папки в папку.

Автоматическая обработка сообщений
Вышеупомянутый Сортировщик писем позволяет автоматизировать обработку сообщений: настроить автоответ, запуск внешнего приложения, добавить адресатов в адресную книгу, экспортировать или архивировать сообщения, извлечь присоединенные файлы и многое другое.

The Bat! не только может добавить подпись к сообщению, но и позволяет создавать шаблоны писем, используя великое множество специальных макросов. Любой ящик, папка или адресат могут иметь собственный шаблон для нового письма, ответа или пересылки. Применение шаблонов позволяет существенно ускорить подготовку почты, особенно когда письмо включает в себя стандартный или часто повторяющийся текст.

Быстрые шаблоны
Быстрые шаблоны позволяют автоматизировать процесс создания писем и сэкономить рабочее время, вставляя в письмо заранее набранный текст. Если каждый день вам приходится отвечать в письмах на одни и те же вопросы, вы по достоинству оцените эти шаблоны. В быстрых шаблонах, равно как и в обычных, доступен полный набор макросов, позволяющий задать любую, даже самую сложную последовательность действий.

Списки рассылки
Система фильтрации писем настолько мощная, что позволяет реализовать средствами The Bat! список рассылки, где участники могут самостоятельно добавлять или удалять себя из списка.

Уникальная функция парковки
С помощью парковки вы сможете закрепить письмо за определенной папкой и предохранить его от случайного удаления или перемещения. Вы никогда не потеряете важное письмо, если припаркуете его в подходящей папке.

Резервное копирование
Все настройки программы, адресные книги и почтовые папки могут быть сохранены в отдельном файле и затем восстановлены из резервной копии в случае нежелательного изменения информации или потери данных. Архив можно снабдить комментарием и защитить паролем. Кроме того, The Bat! позволяет создавать отдельную резервную копию для каждого почтового ящика.

Обновление и установка
The Bat! полностью совместим с новым Менеджером Перезагрузок (RM) Windows Vista – вы сможете обновлять компоненты Windows, необходимые для работы The Bat!, не перезагружая ни The Bat!, ни Windows. Никогда еще процесс обновления не был таким простым и незаметным. Что касается возможностей установки, системные администраторы (и не только они) по достоинству оценят новую возможность “незаметной” установки, которая позволяет инсталлировать The Bat! без участия пользователя.

Эффективное шифрование
Внутреннее выполнение PGP, основанное на общепризнанном механизме OpenSSL, позволяет вам шифровать сообщения и подписывать их цифровой подписью. Удобный менеджер цифровых ключей прилагается. Бесплатные дополнения к PGP v5.5, v6.0.2, 6.5, v7.x & v8.x GnuPG также поддерживаются. Кроме того, The Bat! работает с S/MIME посредством Internal Implementation или Microsoft CryptoAPI. The Bat! – первый почтовый клиент, поддерживающий сжатие данных S/MIME. The Bat! работает с Secure Socket Layer (SSL) v3.1 / Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0 с алгоритмом AES.

Синхронизация почты
Вы можете синхронизировать содержимое нескольких экземпляров The Bat!. Синхронизация почты позволяет поддерживать две копии The Bat! в одинаковом состоянии. Вы можете выборочно сохранять настройки почтовых ящиков, папок, адресных книг и прикрепленных файлов.

Совместимость с Microsoft Exchange
The Bat! подключается к серверам Microsoft Exchange, задействуя протокол MAPI для вызова или отправки сообщений. Необходимо лишь установить Microsoft Office Outlook или клиент Microsoft Exchange для предоставления компонентов подключения к Exchange, которые будет использовать The Bat!.

Национальные кодировки
The Bat! корректно работает со всеми кодировками, включая все русские и восточноевропейские: KOI8-R, Windows-1251, DOS, ISO и т.д. Гибкая система настроек позволяет устанавливать свои кодировки для каждого ящика и каждого адресата. Кроме того, начиная с версии The Bat! 4.0, MicroEd – внутренний текстовый редактор программы – поддерживает кодировку Unicode. Также поддерживаются все системные шрифты и наборы символов.

Диспетчер писем
Диспетчер позволяет обрабатывать почту на POP3 или IMAP сервере, не дожидаясь ее загрузки. Великолепное средство для осуществления удаленного контроля над вашей корреспонденцией. Особенно полезно в том случае, если необходимо оставить объемные письма на сервере, чтобы прочесть их позже, или удалить письма, не получая их.

Адресная книга
Адресная книга содержит список ваших адресатов. Вы можете объединять их в группы для классификации, либо для использования адресов в качестве списка рассылки, т.е. отправить письмо сразу всем членам группы. К каждой адресной записи можно присоединить фотографию, указать личные данные, сведения о месте работы, шаблоны писем к данному адресату, список S/MIME-сертификатов абонента, а также кодировку по умолчанию. В The Bat! 4.0 и последующих версиях присутствует опция Истории адресов, которая позволяет просматривать и быстро находить любое сообщение любого из корреспондентов.

Интерфейс на 12 языках
The Bat! позволяет изменять язык интерфейса «на лету», без перезапуска программы.

Модуль просмотра изображений
The Bat! оснащен собственным модулем просмотра изображений. Это означает, что доступ к вложенным изображениям гораздо быстрее, чем через внешнее приложение. Пользователи могут переключаться между всеми изображениями, вложенными в письмо. Модуль поддерживает поворот, алгоритмы изменения размера и масштаба, полноэкранный режим.

Формы запроса
Формы представляют собой инструмент для формирования запросов, подлежащих автоматической обработке. Форма запроса предназначена для удаленного доступа к информации и управления ей в режиме оффлайн, выдерживая требования безопасности.

Богатые возможности импорта
The Bat! позволяет импортировать сообщения из других почтовых клиентов:
Microsoft Outlook Express v4.xx
Microsoft Outlook Express v5.0
Netscape Communicator v4.xx
Netscape Mail v2.xx/3.xx
Eudora Lite/Pro
Pegasus Mail v2.xx или 3.xx
Импорт адресных книг из файлов:
Бизнес-карточка VCard
Текст, разделенный запятыми
Текст, разделенный табуляциями
Адресная книга The Bat!
Адресная книга Eudora
Файл-шаблон Pegasus
Работает с любой системой Windows
Системные требования The Bat! более чем скромны. Программа работает на любой платформе Windows с минимальным разрешением экрана 800x600 screen и 256-цветовым дисплеем. Минимальных требований к объему памяти или скорости процессора не существует.

Вот список операционных систем, под которыми гарантированно работает The Bat!:
Windows NT 4.0 с Service Pack 6a (SP6a) и Internet Explorer 5.0
Windows 2000 с Service Pack 4 (SP4)
Windows XP
Windows Server 2003
Windows Vista
Windows 7

Все программы предоставленны только для ознакомительного просмотра с целью последующего приобретения их у авторов и подлежат уничтожению после ознакомления.
Если мной вы не довольны, то тогда вам сюда
If you are not content with me, then look here ; Pokud nejste spokojeni se mnou, pak se podívejte zde ; Якщо мною ви не задоволені, то тоді вам сюди ; если вы вообще не умеете читать сюда
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The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus Key

Postby Kadet » 26 May 2011, 18:27

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[-] AV when trying to delete message (beta issue)
[-] (#0008668) Saving messages in text format was generating files empty before the next save or program's shutdown
[-] (#0008666) It was not possible to restart search in the same Finder window once it was stopped.
[-] (#0008594) Advanced options were not working for Web-like and text search
[*] Possibility to choose whether the tab filtering should replace or to be added to the current message list filter
[*] More debug messages if The Bat! is run with "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" command line option, to help find the problem of lockup after the "SetupTokenIfVoyager" event
[-] HTML hints weren't updated with a new version
[-] Fixed a small glitch in the about box
[-] (#0008724) Message list tabs that are working with anything but current message list were not using specified filters
[-] Removing duplicates was not working in OTFE mode
[*] More debug messages if The Bat! is run with "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" command line option, to help find the problem of lockup after the "SetupTokenIfVoyager" event
[-] HTML hints weren't updated with a new version
[-] AV when trying to delete message (beta issue)
[-] (#0008668) Saving messages in text format was generating files empty before the next save or program's shutdown
[-] (#0008666) It was not possible to restart search in the same Finder window once it was stopped.
[-] (#0008594) Advanced options were not working for Web-like and text search
[*] Possibility to choose whether the tab filtering should replace or to be added to the current message list filter
[-] Attached files, opened for viewing by external applications (e.g. .DOC files) weren't saved as read-only
[+] Smart algorithm to replace slash characters in attached file names opened opened for viewing by external applications. Slashes around digits are replaced to dashes, other slashes to underscores.
[-] Bug with loading drafts into editor from IMAP-server-based Outbox
[-] "List index out of bounds" when deleting several messages
[-] (#0008365) Testing of filters actually caused full filtering processing
[+] Filter Logging pane in the Re-filtering dialogue
[-] (#0008700) "Delete and follow next/previous" feature broken
[-] (#0008718) Some status bar menus in the message editor and SmartBat could ignore user input
[-] (#0008665) Virtual folders could not be edited
[-] Quick Template was passed incorrectly when used with the "Reply using Template" command.
[-] IMAP. Folder with national characters in name cannot be used as system folder (Outbox, Sent, ...)
[-] Some exceptions must not appear in exception log
[-] (#0008704) Problem with opening of the files containing incorrect characters
[+] Addes support for the Armenian language
[-] "Deleting a tree node..." error while trying to edit account properties when access is restricted in "Network and Administration"
[-] "tsViewer" error while trying to edit preferences when access is restricted in "Network and Administration"
[-] (#0008390) Text in HTML message is centered instead left-alligned
[-] Minor AVs fixed
[-] (#0008218) The program was left in memory when entering the master password was cancelled
[-] (#0008650) Sending multiple files from Windows Explorer was not working
[-] Exception "TImapFolderCounterSearchTask.CommandCompleted CheckBaseCount > 5" (quick fix, possible problem with flag handling on some servers - need more investigation)
[*] Removed debug logging for CSAPI spelling engine
[-] (#0008077) No Unread/Total counters in password protected account
[-] (#0008271) Empty unread/total counters in account tree for newly created POP3 account or remote IMAP4 folder

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.

Лучше прожить один день как тигр, чем всю жизнь как осёл!
Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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Tagsскачать, The Bat!, Voyager, Professional, серийный, номер, 5.1, mail, bat, бесплатно, Edition, crack, email, antispam, smilies, plugins, Free, Download, thebat, pro, keygen, sniper, 2011, версия, про, bat, serial, 2012, key, профессиональная, html, prof

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus Key

Postby Kadet » 17 Jun 2011, 03:03

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[-] Links were not working in Source Viewer
[-] Some windows were shifted when reopened when task bar was positioned in non-standard fashion
[-] AV when trying to change viewer for plain-text messages
[*] IMAP. Don't raise exception when trying to get contents of expunged message. Just finish this task.
[-] Sometimes, incoming messages could be duplicated in the list of the currently viewed folder (Beta issue)
[-] (#0008742) The "bcc=..." parameter of the mailto: URL was ignored
[-] Option to delete messages after deletion from Trash was ignored
[-] (#0008742) The "bcc=..." parameter of the mailto: URL was ignored
[-] (#0008753) Deleting a folder from The Bat! does remove its physical folder on disk if the folder is a sub-folder
[+] "Message|Edit as New" action
[-] (#0008633) Message list did adjust its view when new messages arrived into the currently viewed folder
[-] (#0008671) Age limits and priority filtering Mail Ticker settings were ignored
[-] (#0008749) No HTML end tag in message
[-] Trying to fix interface language reset to English at startup
[-] Virtual Folders were not updated after changes were made on filters on folder set
[-] A bug that could generate errouneus Virtual Folder contents (Beta issue)
[-] Fixed sporadic interface language reset at startup
[-] Test for circular reference in folder DB and raising exception instead of silent close.
[-] History was not supported in the Message Redirect form
[+] It is now possible to set CC and BCC fields when redirecting messages
[-] Fixed sporadic interface language reset at startup
[-] (#0008681) Birthday reminder does not work
[-] (#0008713) When Replying to plain text messages, the text disappears
[-] Some self tests use ExitProcess instead of raising exception
[+] IMAP. "Do not use IDLE command" option added
[*] (#0007326) Preview button for Mail Ticker do not work (renamed to Apply)
[-] (#0008616) "Follow next/previous" in a separate viewer window wraps around the message list
[-] Fixed an AV in the "select file associations" dialog
[-] IMAP "APPEND" command had low timeout, not enough to copy a message from a local to a remote folder over slow connections
[-] (#0008699) Changing active account for a messages creates duplicate
[-] 0008683: Images are printed reduced (5.0.12)
[*] Filtering actions are now called in different way so unexpected behaviour should be avoided
[-] AV when trying to delete message (beta issue)
[-] (#0008668) Saving messages in text format was generating files empty before the next save or program's shutdown
[-] (#0008666) It was not possible to restart search in the same Finder window once it was stopped.
[-] (#0008594) Advanced options were not working for Web-like and text search
[*] Possibility to choose whether the tab filtering should replace or to be added to the current message list filter
[*] More debug messages if The Bat! is run with "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" command line option, to help find the problem of lockup after the "SetupTokenIfVoyager" event
[-] HTML hints weren't updated with a new version
[-] Fixed a small glitch in the about box
[-] (#0008724) Message list tabs that are working with anything but current message list were not using specified filters
[-] Removing duplicates was not working in OTFE mode

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.

Лучше прожить один день как тигр, чем всю жизнь как осёл!
Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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Reputation point: 19
Tagsскачать, The Bat!, Voyager, Professional, серийный, номер, 5.0, mail, bat, бесплатно, Edition, crack, email, antispam, smilies, plugins, Free, Download, thebat, pro, keygen, sniper, 2011, версия, про, bat, serial, 2012, key, профессиональная, html, prof

The Bat! 5.0.16 Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Key

Postby Kadet » 29 Jun 2011, 08:50

The Bat! 5.0.16 Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[*] Текстовые части, чей размер превышает 100 килобайтов, больше не отображаются в HTML, чтобы избежать перегрузки памяти
[-] (#0008757) Исправлено нарушение прав доступа, которое возникало при попытке переместить отправленные сообщения в соответствующую IMAP-папку
[-] Устранено дублирование новых сообщений в списке при приходе сообщения в просматриваемую папку
[-] (#0008366) Окно, возникающее при сохранении сообщения, теперь не отображается поверх диалога «Сохранить как» (при работе с WinXP)
[-] (#0008743) Устранена проблема, возникавшая при запуске уже запущенной программы
[-] Теперь новые сообщения правильно обрабатываются Диспетчером писем
[-] (#0008673) При изменении режима просмотра цепочек сбрасывались выделенные сообщения
[-] Теперь локальные IMAP-папки пропускаются при периодической/ручной загрузке сообщений

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.

Лучше прожить один день как тигр, чем всю жизнь как осёл!
Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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Tagsскачать, The Bat!, Voyager, Professional, серийный, номер, 5.1, mail, bat, бесплатно, Edition, crack, email, antispam, smilies, plugins, Free, Download, thebat, pro, keygen, sniper, 2011, профессиональная, версия, про, bat, serial, 2012, key, html, prof

The Bat! Professional Edition Eng Crack

Postby Kadet » 29 Jun 2011, 08:51

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Eng + Crack / Keygen + Rus


[-] Read filters were not triggered from the separate window viewer when it was closed on a message that was just read
[-] Various issues with ViewModes
[-] IMAP. Local folders must be skipped during periodical/manual message downloading
[-] Minor fixes
[-] new messages could be not handled right by Mail Ticker
[-] (#0008673) Focused messages wasn't reselected upon changing threading mode
[-] (#0008435) When creating new remote IMAP folder, untranslatable string "Please wait..." appears
[-] (#0008453) Image Download Button: Context menu should say "Show Image Download Manager" instead of "Show URL Manager"
[-] (#0008776) Untranslatable option "Do not use IDLE command" in IMAP account properties dialog
[-] (#0008775) Untranslatable button "Apply" in Preferences dialog, section Mailticker
[*] Plain text parts with size over 100K are not longer rendered as HTML to avoid memory overload
[-] 0008662 QR-Code Generator not translatable
[-] 0008757 Access violation occurs while trying to move the sent mail into the IMAP-Sent-Folder.
[-] 0008756 Untranslatable "Download images for current msg" in Image Download manager's context menu
[-] 0008774 Untranslatable "Edit as new" in main menu
[-] Duplicating new messages in the list when new messages arrive into the folder being viewed
[-] (#0008366) Saving a message puts progress window on top of Save as-dialog (under WinXP)
[-] (#0008743) Program start when it is already launched
[-] Coping/moving multiple messages from one folder to another within the same IMAP account can cause "downloading" overlay icon over destination folder to persist forever. It also prevent the program from being closed.
[+] Addes support for the Armenian language
[-] "Deleting a tree node..." error while trying to edit account properties when access is restricted in "Network and Administration"
[-] "tsViewer" error while trying to edit preferences when access is restricted in "Network and Administration"
[-] (#0008390) Text in HTML message is centered instead left-alligned
[-] Minor AVs fixed
[-] (#0008218) The program was left in memory when entering the master password was cancelled
[-] (#0008650) Sending multiple files from Windows Explorer was not working
[-] Exception "TImapFolderCounterSearchTask.CommandCompleted CheckBaseCount > 5" (quick fix, possible problem with flag handling on some servers - need more investigation)
[*] Removed debug logging for CSAPI spelling engine
[-] (#008077) No Unread/Total counters in password protected account
[-] (#0008271) Empty unread/total counters in account tree for newly created POP3 account or remote IMAP4 folder
[-] (#0008665) Virtual folders could not be edited
[-] Quick Template was passed incorrectly when used with the "Reply using Template" command.
[-] IMAP. Folder with national characters in name cannot be used as system folder (Outbox, Sent, ...)
[-] Some exceptions must not appear in exception log
[-] (#0008704) Problem with opening of the files containing incorrect characters
[-] Attached files, opened for viewing by external applications (e.g. .DOC files) weren't saved as read-only
[+] Smart algorithm to replace slash characters in attached file names opened opened for viewing by external applications. Slashes around digits are replaced to dashes, other slashes to underscores.
[-] Bug with loading drafts into editor from IMAP-server-based Outbox
[-] "List index out of bounds" when deleting several messages
[-] (#0008365) Testing of filters actually caused full filtering processing
[+] Filter Logging pane in the Re-filtering dialogue
[-] (#0008700) "Delete and follow next/previous" feature broken
[-] (#0008718) Some status bar menus in the message editor and SmartBat could ignore user input
[-] (#0008668) Saving messages in text format was generating files empty before the next save or program's shutdown
[-] (#0008666) It was not possible to restart search in the same Finder window once it was stopped.
[-] (#0008594) Advanced options were not working for Web-like and text search
[*] Possibility to choose whether the tab filtering should replace or to be added to the current message list filter
[*] More debug messages if The Bat! is run with "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" command line option, to help find the problem of lockup after the "SetupTokenIfVoyager" event
[-] HTML hints weren't updated with a new version
[-] Fixed a small glitch in the about box
[-] (#0008724) Message list tabs that are working with anything but current message list were not using specified filters
[-] Removing duplicates was not working in OTFE mode
[-] (#0008681) Birthday reminder does not work
[-] (#0008713) When Replying to plain text messages, the text disappears
[-] Some self tests use ExitProcess instead of raising exception
[+] IMAP. "Do not use IDLE command" option added
[*] (#0007326) Preview button for Mail Ticker do not work (renamed to Apply)
[-] (#0008616) "Follow next/previous" in a separate viewer window wraps around the message list
[-] Fixed an AV in the "select file associations" dialog
[-] IMAP "APPEND" command had low timeout, not enough to copy a message from a local to a remote folder over slow connections
[-] (#0008699) Changing active account for a messages creates duplicate
[-] 0008683: Images are printed reduced (5.0.12)
[*] Filtering actions are now called in different way so unexpected behaviour should be avoided
[-] Test for circular reference in folder DB and raising exception instead of silent close.
[-] History was not supported in the Message Redirect form
[+] It is now possible to set CC and BCC fields when redirecting messages
[-] Fixed sporadic interface language reset at startup
[-] Virtual Folders were not updated after changes were made on filters on folder set
[-] (#0008671) Age limits and priority filtering Mail Ticker settings were ignored
[-] (#0008749) No HTML end tag in message
[-] Trying to fix interface language reset to English at startup
[-] (#0008753) Deleting a folder from The Bat! does remove its physical folder on disk if the folder is a sub-folder
[+] "Message|Edit as New" action
[-] (#0008633) Message list did adjust its view when new messages arrived into the currently viewed folder
[-] (#0008742) The "bcc=..." parameter of the mailto: URL was ignored
[-] Option to delete messages after deletion from Trash was ignored
[-] Links were not working in Source Viewer
[-] Some windows were shifted when reopened when task bar was positioned in non-standard fashion
[-] AV when trying to change viewer for plain-text messages
[*] IMAP. Don't raise exception when trying to get contents of expunged message. Just finish this task.
[-] (#0008319) Problem with releasing messages from Mail Ticker

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.
Лучше прожить один день как тигр, чем всю жизнь как осёл!
Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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The Bat! 5.0.18 Professional Edition Multilingual Rus Crack

Postby Kadet » 02 Jul 2011, 03:02

The Bat! 5.0.18 Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[-] Read filters were not triggered from the separate window viewer when it was closed on a message that was just read
[-] Various issues with ViewModes
[-] (#0008793) SendTo Windows Shell command was not working for multiple files when the program was not running

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.

Лучше прожить один день как тигр, чем всю жизнь как осёл!
Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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Reputation point: 19
Tagsскачать, The Bat!, Voyager, Professional, серийный, номер, 5.1, mail, bat, бесплатно, Edition, crack, email, antispam, smilies, plugins, Free, Download, thebat, pro, keygen, sniper, 2011, профессиональная, версия, про, bat, serial, 2012, key, html, prof

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus Key

Postby Kadet » 04 Jul 2011, 02:51

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[*] Added some debug information if The Bat! does not start

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.

Лучше прожить один день как тигр, чем всю жизнь как осёл!
Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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Medal Hacker · Медаль Хакера (1) Su-Doku 3 Судоку (1) Gratefulness 4 Благодарность (1) Recruiter 20+ (1) Знак почёта I (1)
Reputation point: 19
Tagsскачать The Bat! Professional, серийный, номер, 5.1, mail, bat, бесплатно, Edition, crack, email, antispam, smilies, plugins, Free, Download, thebat, pro, keygen, sniper, 2011, версия, про, bat, serial, 2012, key, профессиональная, crack, prof

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus Key

Postby Kadet » 29 Jul 2011, 12:15

The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[*] Added some debug information if The Bat! does not start
[-] HUGE memory leaks when failed to load message header from index file (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Better reporting of errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Even more info about errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] TBufReaderStream and TBufStream incorrectly seek from the end of file
[-] Out of memory while expanding memory stream (trying to allocate stream with negative capacity because MS Exchange says that size of message part is BIGGER then size of the whole message)
[-] Message finder correctly "matches" only ANSI strings
[-] (#0008789) Setting maximum message age limits to MailTicker was hiding all messages
[-] Range check error while reloading icons
[-] AV when creating desktop shortcut after installation
[-] Default filter can cause memory leak
[-] Some filters can shift position in TBN-file which cause errors while loading virtual folders (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] (#0008811) Failing to print from The Bat! with a blank Document Name/Title
[-] Sometimes, filtering by RegExp could hang (Beta issue)
[-] Filter in virtual folder cannot access separately saved attach
[-] Last character of a virtual folder name was not displayed (Beta issue)
[-] Range check error while creating process snapshot
[-] When importing from LDIF some values can be replaced with #1#2#3'Binary'#3#2#1
[-] Result of RunExternal filter action wasn't imported as RFC822 message
[-] Range check errors while rebuilding index file for massage base larger then 2GB
[-] Document title in printer job task list was empty if it was shorter than 127 characters
[-] Document title in printer job task list didn't support Unicode characters
[-] (#0008308) Exception error "GUIDEF:Item [mFolderVirusCheck] is linked to unknown property [FolderVirusCheck]"
[*] Trying to fix empty folder names on IMAP
[+] When The Bat! connects to a POP3 or an SMTP server, it now displays the host address and the port in the log and in the status line, so the user can trace problems easier caused by improperly entered server addresses and ports.
[+] If The Bat! can't connect to a POP3, SMTP or an IMAP server, it gives the reason (error message) which can help identify the problem, rather than simply "cannot connect" result that gave no further clues.
[-] Remote Access (dialup) connections weren't working
[-] IMAP command priority was ignored, the commands were mostly sent to the IMAP server from The Bat! on first-come-first-serve basis, so the most important commands like when a user clicked to "show a message body" were executed last, after all the folder counters were rescanned
[-] The priority column of IMAP connection monitor wasn't filled with data. Now it shows a priority for each command; higher priority mean that the command will be executed earlier
[*] Better display of IMAP command state; previously even running commands were shown as "queued"
[-] Sometimes, tree lines in the message list weren't drawn properly
[-] Different bugs in message base recovering code and even more bugs when dealing with message base larger then 2GB
[-] When there were no Common Trash folder defined and the option to empty Trash folders on exit was set for Common Folders (rare case, but still possible), upper level folders of all accounts were emptied on exit
[+] Voyager setup now creates the AutoRun.Inf file
[*] Colour Group selection now reflects colour and style setting of the groups
[*] Better logging with The Bat! is run with /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG command line option
[-] Removed some redundant config write operations.
[*] A new debug option: /DISABLE_NTLM_SELF_TEST
[-] An IMAP folder couldn't be created (BETA issue)
[-] Fixed a few minor resource/memory leaks
[-] When a message was copied somewhere by an outgoing mail filter, the original was left in the outbox
[+] Possibility to use a different font and font size for a colour group
[-] IMAP. AV when trying to forward partially downloaded message
[-] Probably fixed an AV (BETA issue)
[-] When The Bat! was unregistered, there were a question mark in the "About" box in a place where in the registered version the key validity information was given
[!] When The Bat! trial expires completely, it no longer exits but simply disables connections (e.g. to send and receive mail). The user is still able to read, print or export messages, address book items or other data
[-] On IMAP, when multiple connections were allowed, each subsequent connection is created not earlier than one second since last connection, to avoid overload, especially when multiple connections are configured and they are failing and creating over and over again
[+] The Bat! now have a limit of number of TCP/IP connections created per second, to prevent extra connections created simultaneously from being dropped by Windows (if configured so) or by a router. By default, this value is 10 and can be changed in Windows Registry, key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareRITThe Bat!, value MaxConnectionsPerSecond.
[-] Status and priority wasn't displayed in the Connection Center for certain IMAP tasks
[+] (#0008351) When The Bat! completes all IMAP tasks, it selects INBOX and idles in this folder, to be able to receive notifications about new messages before refreshing all the folders
[-] Fixed glitches of the background of text in the Connection Center
[*] Added some debug information if The Bat! does not start
[-] HUGE memory leaks when failed to load message header from index file (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Better reporting of errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Even more info about errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] TBufReaderStream and TBufStream incorrectly seek from the end of file
[-] Out of memory while expanding memory stream (trying to allocate stream with negative capacity because MS Exchange says that size of message part is BIGGER then size of the whole message)
[-] Message finder correctly "matches" only ANSI strings
[-] (#0008789) Setting maximum message age limits to MailTicker was hiding all messages
[-] Range check error while reloading icons
[-] AV when creating desktop shortcut after installation
[-] Default filter can cause memory leak
[-] Some filters can shift position in TBN-file which cause errors while loading virtual folders (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] (#0008811) Failing to print from The Bat! with a blank Document Name/Title
[-] Filter in virtual folder cannot access separately saved attach
[-] Range check error while creating process snapshot
[-] When importing from LDIF some values can be replaced with #1#2#3'Binary'#3#2#1
[-] Result of RunExternal filter action wasn't imported as RFC822 message
[-] Range check errors while rebuilding index file for massage base larger then 2GB
[-] Document title in printer job task list was empty if it was shorter than 127 characters
[-] Document title in printer job task list didn't support Unicode characters
[-] (#0008308) Exception error "GUIDEF:Item [mFolderVirusCheck] is linked to unknown property [FolderVirusCheck]"
[*] Trying to fix empty folder names on IMAP
[+] When The Bat! connects to a POP3 or an SMTP server, it now displays the host address and the port in the log and in the status line, so the user can trace problems easier caused by improperly entered server addresses and ports.
[+] If The Bat! can't connect to a POP3, SMTP or an IMAP server, it gives the reason (error message) which can help identify the problem, rather than simply "cannot connect" result that gave no further clues.
[-] Remote Access (dialup) connections weren't working
[-] IMAP command priority was ignored, the commands were mostly sent to the IMAP server from The Bat! on first-come-first-serve basis, so the most important commands like when a user clicked to "show a message body" were executed last, after all the folder counters were rescanned
[-] The priority column of IMAP connection monitor wasn't filled with data. Now it shows a priority for each command; higher priority mean that the command will be executed earlier
[*] Better display of IMAP command state; previously even running commands were shown as "queued"
[-] Sometimes, tree lines in the message list weren't drawn properly
[-] Different bugs in message base recovering code and even more bugs when dealing with message base larger then 2GB
[-] When there were no Common Trash folder defined and the option to empty Trash folders on exit was set for Common Folders (rare case, but still possible), upper level folders of all accounts were emptied on exit
[+] Voyager setup now creates the AutoRun.Inf file
[*] Colour Group selection now reflects colour and style setting of the groups
[*] Better logging with The Bat! is run with /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG command line option
[-] Removed some redundant config write operations.
[*] A new debug option: /DISABLE_NTLM_SELF_TEST
[-] Fixed a few minor resource/memory leaks
[-] When a message was copied somewhere by an outgoing mail filter, the original was left in the outbox
[+] Possibility to use a different font and font size for a colour group
[-] IMAP. AV when trying to forward partially downloaded message
[-] When The Bat! was unregistered, there were a question mark in the "About" box in a place where in the registered version the key validity information was given
[!] When The Bat! trial expires completely, it no longer exits but simply disables connections (e.g. to send and receive mail). The user is still able to read, print or export messages, address book items or other data
[-] On IMAP, when multiple connections were allowed, each subsequent connection is created not earlier than one second since last connection, to avoid overload, especially when multiple connections are configured and they are failing and creating over and over again
[+] The Bat! now have a limit of number of TCP/IP connections created per second, to prevent extra connections created simultaneously from being dropped by Windows (if configured so) or by a router. By default, this value is 10 and can be changed in Windows Registry, key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareRITThe Bat!, value MaxConnectionsPerSecond.
[-] Status and priority wasn't displayed in the Connection Center for certain IMAP tasks
[+] (#0008351) When The Bat! completes all IMAP tasks, it selects INBOX and idles in this folder, to be able to receive notifications about new messages before refreshing all the folders
[-] Fixed glitches of the background of text in the Connection Center
[-] (#0008154) Clipboard contents change on quick template contents.
[-] If a connection to a server could not be established, the reason was not always given to the log.
[-] (#0007649) If a user installs version 5 over version 3, the installer gave a warning that the user was installing v4.1 (should have been 5)
[-] (#0007803) %EMAIL% environment variable clashes with git version control system
[-] At the en of POP3 session, The Bat! reported number of received messages even if some of the messages could not be stored into the message base.
[-] If a message received during POP3 protocol could not be stored, the final log string of the session reports that; previously the "connection finished - N messages received" was last in the status bar and didn't give the clear indication to the user what have happened
[*] When a user empties a folder, the name of the folder is also given in the confirmation dialog.
[-] SmartBat didn't show date lines using different style
[*] Added some debug information if The Bat! does not start
[-] HUGE memory leaks when failed to load message header from index file (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Better reporting of errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[*] Even more info about errors while loading string container from stream (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] TBufReaderStream and TBufStream incorrectly seek from the end of file
[-] Out of memory while expanding memory stream (trying to allocate stream with negative capacity because MS Exchange says that size of message part is BIGGER then size of the whole message)
[-] Message finder correctly "matches" only ANSI strings
[-] (#0008789) Setting maximum message age limits to MailTicker was hiding all messages
[-] Range check error while reloading icons
[-] AV when creating desktop shortcut after installation
[-] Default filter can cause memory leak
[-] Some filters can shift position in TBN-file which cause errors while loading virtual folders (EOutOfMemory issue)
[-] (#0008811) Failing to print from The Bat! with a blank Document Name/Title
[-] Filter in virtual folder cannot access separately saved attach
[-] Range check error while creating process snapshot
[-] When importing from LDIF some values can be replaced with #1#2#3'Binary'#3#2#1
[-] Result of RunExternal filter action wasn't imported as RFC822 message
[-] Range check errors while rebuilding index file for massage base larger then 2GB
[-] Document title in printer job task list was empty if it was shorter than 127 characters
[-] Document title in printer job task list didn't support Unicode characters
[-] (#0008308) Exception error "GUIDEF:Item [mFolderVirusCheck] is linked to unknown property [FolderVirusCheck]"
[*] Trying to fix empty folder names on IMAP
[+] When The Bat! connects to a POP3 or an SMTP server, it now displays the host address and the port in the log and in the status line, so the user can trace problems easier caused by improperly entered server addresses and ports.
[+] If The Bat! can't connect to a POP3, SMTP or an IMAP server, it gives the reason (error message) which can help identify the problem, rather than simply "cannot connect" result that gave no further clues.
[-] Remote Access (dialup) connections weren't working
[-] IMAP command priority was ignored, the commands were mostly sent to the IMAP server from The Bat! on first-come-first-serve basis, so the most important commands like when a user clicked to "show a message body" were executed last, after all the folder counters were rescanned
[-] The priority column of IMAP connection monitor wasn't filled with data. Now it shows a priority for each command; higher priority mean that the command will be executed earlier
[*] Better display of IMAP command state; previously even running commands were shown as "queued"
[-] Sometimes, tree lines in the message list weren't drawn properly
[-] Different bugs in message base recovering code and even more bugs when dealing with message base larger then 2GB
[-] When there were no Common Trash folder defined and the option to empty Trash folders on exit was set for Common Folders (rare case, but still possible), upper level folders of all accounts were emptied on exit
[+] Voyager setup now creates the AutoRun.Inf file
[*] Colour Group selection now reflects colour and style setting of the groups
[*] Better logging with The Bat! is run with /STARTUP_TIMING_LOG command line option
[-] Removed some redundant config write operations.
[*] A new debug option: /DISABLE_NTLM_SELF_TEST
[-] Fixed a few minor resource/memory leaks
[-] When a message was copied somewhere by an outgoing mail filter, the original was left in the outbox
[+] Possibility to use a different font and font size for a colour group
[-] IMAP. AV when trying to forward partially downloaded message
[-] When The Bat! was unregistered, there were a question mark in the "About" box in a place where in the registered version the key validity information was given
[!] When The Bat! trial expires completely, it no longer exits but simply disables connections (e.g. to send and receive mail). The user is still able to read, print or export messages, address book items or other data
[-] On IMAP, when multiple connections were allowed, each subsequent connection is created not earlier than one second since last connection, to avoid overload, especially when multiple connections are configured and they are failing and creating over and over again
[+] The Bat! now have a limit of number of TCP/IP connections created per second, to prevent extra connections created simultaneously from being dropped by Windows (if configured so) or by a router. By default, this value is 10 and can be changed in Windows Registry, key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareRITThe Bat!, value MaxConnectionsPerSecond.
[-] Status and priority wasn't displayed in the Connection Center for certain IMAP tasks
[+] (#0008351) When The Bat! completes all IMAP tasks, it selects INBOX and idles in this folder, to be able to receive notifications about new messages before refreshing all the folders
[-] Fixed glitches of the background of text in the Connection Center
[-] (#0008154) Clipboard contents change on quick template contents.
[-] If a connection to a server could not be established, the reason was not always given to the log.
[-] (#0007649) If a user installs version 5 over version 3, the installer gave a warning that the user was installing v4.1 (should have been 5)
[-] (#0007803) %EMAIL% environment variable clashes with git version control system
[-] At the en of POP3 session, The Bat! reported number of received messages even if some of the messages could not be stored into the message base.
[-] If a message received during POP3 protocol could not be stored, the final log string of the session reports that; previously the "connection finished - N messages received" was last in the status bar and didn't give the clear indication to the user what have happened
[*] When a user empties a folder, the name of the folder is also given in the confirmation dialog.
[-] SmartBat didn't show date lines using different style
[-] (#0007708) Signing/Encrypting with gpg2 shows pin-entry window and TheBat's passphrase window
[-] 0008526: Deleting folders in TB doesn't delete folders on HDD for empty and virtual folders
[*] Debug: errors of file save/open dialogs are displayed to the user (BETA issue)

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The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual + Crack

Postby Kadet » 02 Aug 2011, 13:54

The Bat! Professional Edition ALPHA Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[*] Some incorrectly-encoded "Date" headers are now parsed better and it produces correct display of creation date in the message list.
[*] If a date line in the header is improperly encoded, then the current date is substituted, rather than that original date corrected
[-] Minor bug while counting messages for virtual folders
[-] (#0007737) Help-button in Change Mail Protocol-dialogue doesn't work
[+] Added support for PGP 8, 9 & 10.

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 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.
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The Bat! Professional Edition Multilingual Rus + Cr

Postby Kadet » 09 Aug 2011, 23:08

The Bat! Professional Edition ALPHA Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[-] IMAP. Empty message is produced when trying to redirect partially downloaded message
[-] The calculation of current week in the message list was invalid
[+] An option to not show message time after the date in the message list; The option can be configured in the Preferences dialog
[+] An option to specify time format for the message list in the Preferences dialog. Now the time format by default fits time format used in previous version of The Bat!
[-] LibrariesEntryPoints must be initialized BEFORE loading plug-ins
[-] The Bat! now formats date and time in the message list using Windows API. You can configure different formats in the Regional options in the Control Panel.
[-] Date was not properly formatted in the Preferences dialog (BETA issue)
[-] Sometimes a filter action to move a message to a folder couldn't be created due to invalid checking of folder file name, it could fail on a legitimate name.
[-] For some reason list of shared filters can contain nil's during restoring from backup (but it MUST NOT)
[-] A sorting office action to move or copy messages to folders with templates in the destination folder names, did prevent from specifying template arguments which did contain non-file characters

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 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.
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The Bat! Professional Edition Multilang Rus + Keyg

Postby Kadet » 23 Aug 2011, 20:32

The Bat! Professional Edition ALPHA Multilingual Rus + Crack / Keygen


[-] (#0005279) Time in message list is different from time in message
[-] Filter editor checks clipboard contents 20 times per second (clipboard managers can conflict with The Bat)
[-] Voyager copy files animation didn't work
[-] the program could stuck at startup due to calculation of repetitions of some scheduled Events
[-] Filter editor can fail to check clipboard contents - retry again after some time (clipboard managers can conflict with The Bat)
[-] Action can be prematurely destroyed when instructed to wait for (from main thread) but not return to caller (resulted in odd exceptions)
[*] When no host name was specified for an IMAP server, a friendly error message is given the same way as was for a POP3 server.
[-] (#0008397) URLs copied from MS Word get lost
[+] You can copy multiple filters to the clipboard by clicking "Copy" on a root node
[+] You can paste multiple filters from clipboard
[-] Previous ALPHA didn't start in OTFE mode (BETA issue)
[*] If no account or folder is selected when The Bat! starts, the Inbox of first non-password protected account is selected
[-] (#0008848) Marking message as read after copying by a filter was not working
[-] (#0008681) Birthday reminder does not work (additional fix)
[-] Cannot open attaches from externally saved messages (in eml-file for example)
[-] Sometimes the labels were incorrectly displayed in the connection center

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 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.
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Бесят девки, которые понтуются тем, что пьют и курят! Ты спортом займись, Овца, и гордись этим!
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